
Currently the School has 5 programs it operates with the largest being the Oregon Prekindergarten Head Start Program. 

Prekindergarten Program

Oregon Prekindergarten Program is managed my the Early Learning Division for children ages 3-5 years.  It is a free program modeled after the Federal Head Start program utilizing federal poverty guidelines.  
Monday thru Thursday
Approx September-May
AM Session:  8:00-11:30
PM Session:  1:00-4:30

Self-Pay Preschool Program

Preschool is our paid program option that utilizes the same fundamental elements of the OPK program option for children ages 3-5.
Monday thru Thursday
Approx September-May
AM Session:  8:00-11:30
PM Session:  1:00-4:30

Full Day Prekindergarten

Hours:  8:00am-3:00pm.  This room is for children ages 3-5.
Monday thru Thursday
Approx September-June

Self-Pay Child Care Program

Hours: 7:00am-5:30pm.  This room is for children ages 3-5.
Monday thru Friday
Year Round Services

Full Day Prenatal

Hours:  8:00am-3:30pm.  This room is for children ages 6 weeks-3 years old.
Monday thru Thursday
Approx. year-round

Self-Pay Infant Care Program

Hours:  7:00am-5:30pm.  This room is for children ages 6 weeks thru 2 years.
Monday thru Friday
Year Round Services